
Self-Care Helps Me Survive

I’ve always struggled with anxiety and depression. I’ve even gone through periods of frequent panic attacks.

I coped, in my teens and 20s, through counselors and meds.

However, as I grew up and took charge of my own health, I learned to use purposeful self-care to deal with my struggles.

My routine included:
-daily movement like yoga and walks
-avoiding caffeine and sugar
-daily quiet alone time
-daily devotions
-quality time with Nick and friends
-attention to my hobbies
-essential oils
-avoiding loud noises
-food that agrees with me
-a job with flexibility
-wearing comfortable clothes
-avoiding strong smells

By using these and other purposeful self-care techniques, I was able to live a balanced, calm life in my early 30s.

Throw a baby in there, though, and my carefully curated self-care routine doesn’t come as easily.

Although I’m now a mom, I’m still the same highly sensitive person and I need that calm balance that I crave. Having a baby simply means I’ve had to learn to ask for more help!

Self-care isn’t a luxury.

Self-care is a necessity.

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