
Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

As a kid, I noticed I took things harder than most. Then a counselor in my early 20s confirmed that many things have a stronger effect on me than others. Having that validation did wonders for me and I began to create better boundaries and routines.

I need lots of sleep. In high school, I usually fell asleep during movies. And even now as an adult, you can often find me napping on the couch at family get-togethers. Being with lots of people simply wears me out.

Even exercise and nutrition play a huge role. I feel my best when I get outdoors and when I avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol.

Bright lights, crowded areas, strong smells and loud noises can make me feel anxious or even sick to my stomach. That’s why my home is full of lamp light, minimalist decor, natural scents and is almost always quiet.

In the past, I felt like I was weak and “less than”. Partly because of lies I told myself. Partly because of the way some people treated me. But, by paying attention to my body and finding what works, I’ve been able to stop the panic attacks and scale way back on the anxiety.

Do you think you’re a Highly Sensitive Person like me? If so, here are some lifestyle choices that help me:
-fresh air and sunshine everyday
-daily stretching and exercise
-8-10 hours of sleep per night
-no more than 1 thing on the calendar per day
-avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol
-always bring sunglasses
-avoid foods that cause discomfort like dairy, gluten, etc.
-carry Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil for encountering bad smells
-wear comfortable clothes
-a peaceful home environment
-walk away from intrusive noises like speakerphone conversations, social media videos, etc.
-plan for daily “me-time” like a bath, reading, meditation, etc.
-have an exit strategy when attending parties and gatherings
-tell loved ones what makes you feel anxious
-stay away from electronics as much as possible

Although it hasn’t been easy, and I don’t always follow my own advice, being a HSP has helped me live a more balanced life and to be more sensitive to others, especially to my new, sweet baby :)

***Order your Young Living essential oils and products HERE and use my 10% off code SHAREYL

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