
5 Easy Ways to Save for Travel

Many people assume that they need a lot of money to travel, but that's simply not true! I can share from experience, there are several ways to travel while on a tight budget. You may find that you are much closer to going on your dream trip that you realized!

1. Skip Procrastination - Choose your destination and start making sacrifices today. Can you cut cable? Use wifi at work? Stop monthly subscriptions? Make coffee at home? Where can you cut costs to begin saving for your trip?

2. Skip Flights and Hotels - By eliminating airline tickets, you can save a ton of money…this is why we love road trips! And instead of paying for expensive hotel rooms, stay with friends and family or set up camp! We’ve been able to afford longer trips by avoiding flights and hotels.

3. Skip Food (just kidding!) - Grab groceries at ALDI and then fill your cooler with things like apples, bananas, baby carrots, nuts, protein bars, bread, peanut butter and jelly, water bottles and other healthy options. When we travel, we end up losing weight because we are walking around so much and not eating as much as normal, but we are willing to sacrifice big meals in order to travel! If you can’t go without a "real meal", consider eating very light breakfasts and dinners and only going to affordable restaurants for your lunches.

4. Skip Extras - Look for free Wifi, free museums, free parking, free walking tours, etc. Be willing to do your research and be flexible. Even a simple decision to travel during the off season can make a huge difference in the cost.

5. Skip Quitting - Keep working hard until you’re on that beach or in those mountains or on that trail. You’ll be so proud of yourself that you didn’t give up. Plus, you’ll realize it’s not so hard to travel on a budget and be inspired to go ahead and plan your next trip!

What’s your dream vacation and how are you planning on making it happen?

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