

We throw that word around a lot and I’ve never considered how dangerous it can be until I listened to a few episodes of @theminimalists podcast.

At home, we have a list of priorities. A totally different list at work. And most likely another list in our heads. We’ve got priorities all over the place.

But apparently the word priority means one thing. We should have one priority. One.

It got me thinking. What if I only had one priority? What would it be? Or if I only have one priority for my business or work day? Or one priority for my health? One for my relationships?

Maybe by taking all my priorities off my plate and spreading myself thin, I could do better at just one priority. I could be the best version of me.

Though I’ve had different priorities at different times, right now mine is Ivy. She needs me so much. To cuddle and nurse. To bring me books to read to her. To feed her. To play and go on adventures. It’s exhausting and wonderful and I’m so grateful that I get to do it.

What do you think about the word priority? How does it change things when you consider that you should only have one priority instead of a list of them?

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