
How To Cut Back On Screentime

During 2018, I committed to social media free Sundays. I usually did so-so, but when I stuck to it, I felt more grounded by Monday when I got back online. So, after a while skipping Sundays, I decided to up my game and do social media free weekends.

During that time off, I noticed that the more time I spent on social media, the more I felt myself becoming tense and anxious. Plus, the more I spent time around others, the more I realized that we are all so hooked. It’s not good for us.

I’m not saying I even follow my own rules all the time, but here are some ways that I’ve tried to avoid my screens and be more present.

1. PUT IT AWAY. When you’re spending time with someone, put your phone away somewhere it won't be a distraction, so that you can maintain eye contact and truly listen.

2. WEAR A (not smart) WATCH. Check the time on your watch, instead of your phone, so that you don’t leave people around you wondering if that text or post is more interesting.

3. USE AN ALARM CLOCK. I didn’t take my cell phone to my bedroom from 2015-2020, which meant no distractions from good sleep and cuddle time with Nick. I’ve had it beside me since Ivy was born though and need to rekick that habit.

4. TURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS. If you get excited each time you hear a ding, feel a vibration or see something pop up and have to check to see what's new, consider turning off that temptation. I now hear phone calls only.

5. DELTE APPS. If you have an app you can't stop checking, maybe it's time to delete it until you’re in control again. For instance, delete FaceBook from your phone and only check it from your computer.

6. SCHEDULE SCREEN TIME. Once you turn off your notifications and delete some apps, you should schedule your screen time. Do you want to check your social media daily? That's totally fine! Just choose what time and stick to that.

7. SET A TIMER. If you notice, when you schedule your screen time, that you can't stop mindlessly scrolling and you get sucked in, you might want to set a timer. Choose how much time you want to give yourself, set a timer and once it goes off, get off.

Have you tried to cut back on screen time?

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