Happy Oily-Versary to me! Three years ago today, I ordered my Young Living Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit! I immediately fell in love and knew that I wanted to help other people get these beloved oils and products too, so I excitedly jumped into the business side the next day and here we are! This has been the best job I've ever had and it started simply by getting my hands on this amazing starter kit. Many of you have already decided to dive in and Join The Revolution and some of you absolutely love it and have found where you Belong! However, if you are just learning about essential oils or have been watching me for a while, but have been scared to get started, this post is for you...I'm going to give you 10 reasons why you need a Young Living Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit today!
Before we really dive in, let's talk about why you should choose Young Living Essential Oils over other brands. You can find essential oils in local health food stores and online that claim to be 100% pure. However, you have to be very careful! If you are interested in essential oils because you are trying to move away from using chemical-filled OTC meds on your family, you wouldn’t want to replace those with just ANY essential oils. You would want therapeutic grade, 100% pure oils. Many essential oils will say 100% pure, natural or organic, but since the FDA has no regulations on this, there is no way to know if the claims are true and if the labels are accurate. These same essential oils in health food stores and online are often less expensive, but usually you are getting what you pay for.
Until three years ago, I had no idea about any of this. I seriously thought essential oils are essential oils and always good for you and safe for use. I have learned a lot over the past years! So what company do I trust? Young Living! Young Living has their “Seed to Seal” process. They are the only essential oils company in world to have their own farms where they plant the chosen seeds, farm them, cultivate them, harvest them and distill them, followed by testing the essential oils and sealing the bottle. Young Living controls all of the steps from start to finish so that they are able to guarantee their essential oils are truly 100% pure (nothing added and nothing taken away) and safe to use. Plus, I've been to the Young Living Lavender Farm in Mona, Utah six times now, seen it all in person and even been able to help plant. Needless to say, I love and trust Young Living!
Reason #2: Pure Power
An Essential Oil is an oil from a plant. The natural aromatic compound (oil) will come from either the flowers, leaves, wood, bark, roots, seeds or peel of the plant. Essential oils are unique and effective. The molecule of an essential oil is so tiny that it makes its way into every single cell in our bodies (our skin, our blood and our brain) and administers therapy at the cellular level, which is the most fundamental level of our body. Because of this, the essential oils don’t mask symptoms, but actually work to help you live a healthier life! We have 100 trillion cells in our bodies. One drop of essential oil contains approximately 40 million-trillion molecules. This means that with only one drop of essential oil, 40,000 molecules cover each cell in our body!
When in your bloodstream essential oils can increase oxygen within our cells (which helps our cells to release toxins), enhance our immune system, support the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous and other body systems, aid in maintaining normal cellular regeneration. Essential oils are high in antioxidants. Depending on the oil, they can boost stamina and energy, help to relax, help you manage stress and anxiety, help you reduce the appearance of aging, help you improve mental clarity, promote overall health, vitality and longevity and more!
I got to help plant at the Young Living Lavender Farm in Mona, Utah! |
Reason #3: Everyday. Everything. Everyone.
Young Living essential oils can be used topically, internally and aromatically. Please note that I am not suggesting to use any other essential oils since I cannot be sure that they are truly 100% pure and safe. Inhaling the essential oils allows them to get into the bloodstream. We breathe it in, it goes into our lungs and then our bloodstream. The diffuser is a great way to use the essential oils aromatically. It uses cold water (as not to disrupt the healing properties of the oil) to shoot the essential oil vapor into the air. Also, applying the essential oils topically allows them to enter the bloodstream. There was a study done where they massaged Lavender essential oil onto a person’s stomach to see how fast the oil is absorbed into the bloodstream. They took blood every 5 minutes. Lavender appeared in the blood at 5 minutes and peaked at 20 minutes. Amazing! The essential oils can also be used internally by adding drops of essential oil to your beverage, to your cooking and baking or to a vegetable capsule.
I love to add a drop of peppermint into my chocolate protein smoothies for energy! |
Reason #4: Home Safe Home
If you read labels all of the time, you would be amazed at how many products have such harmful chemicals! Since the FDA doesn't regulate companies, they are able to use pretty much any ingredient they want, even if it is proven to cause cancer and other serious issues! You may be cleaning your home with products that are not safe for you, your children or your pets. However, protecting and deodorizing your home can be done without using harmful chemicals. Thieves is an essential oil blend that is highly effective against germs! You can get all DIY and use Thieves and other amazing essential oils, like Lemon, to create your own household cleaner, antiseptic spray, wipes, hand soap, waterless hand purifier...the sky is the limit! Wouldn’t you like a healthy home with effective products, but without the dangerous chemicals and toxins?.
Reason #5: Green Your Routine
Your skin is your largest organ and quickly absorbs everything that it comes in contact with. Toxins and petrochemicals soak into the skin and can cause horrible side-effects, even cancer! I dare you to look at the back of every product in your bathroom and under your sink and in your pantry…for each ingredient that you don't know, look it up on EWG to see what harm you are doing to your body. Many people don’t realize how dangerous these chemicals can be, but the research is there! However, many people do know the dangers and try to buy natural options, but natural doesn't always mean natural!!! You always need to look up ingredients in your products to see for yourself if it is truly and honestly natural and safe! The FDA doesn't regulate what goes into these products, so YOU need to. You could start by making your own products using ingredients and essential oils that truly are natural and safe! Think of the things that you could make! Pinterest will be your new BFF (if it isn’t already). Soaps, deoderants, condtioners and shampoos, massage oils, toothpastes, mouthwash, throat lozenges, bath & shower gel, beauty masks, facial moisturizers, cleansers, toner, serums, wrinkle creams, facial wash, ointments, facial scrubs, eye creams, hand & body lotions, lip balm, waterless hand purifier and more...the possibilities are endless! You can pamper your skin and give yourself a natural, healthy-looking glow, without harmful chemicals!
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Frankincense helps keep my skin clear, diminishes scars and discoloration and helps me avoid early signs of aging! |
Reason #6: It Makes Perfect Scents
Every time people come to my home, they walk in, take a deep breath and comment on how good it smells. Even my Bible study group likes to meet at my house and our leader will brag about how it’s a spa-like experience, leaving everyone calm and relaxed by the time the night is over. Most people are interested when I show them the diffuser and essential oils and comment on how they need to get some for their own home. Think of the diffuser like being a custom candle. You pay a lot of money for a good candle, like Yankee candles, but that candle has only one scent the entire time you burn it. With your diffuser, you get to pick your oils and combos every single time! So, in the morning you can start with Peppermint to get you up and energized...in the afternoon, you can switch it up and diffuse some Grapefruit to keep you from snacking...and at night, you can crank up the Lavender to get everyone relaxed and ready for bed! With a diffuser and essential oils, YOU are the candle master!
Reason #7: Easy Peasy
Keep some oils at home, some at the office, carry them in your purse...there’s an oil for everything that you may encounter as you go about your day! Your baby fell down and got a booboo? Rub some Lavender on it (this is amazing for kids who are afraid of medicine)! Your husband has a throbbing head? Swipe on some PanAway! Maybe your head isn’t throbbing, but your neck tension is creeping up? Massage in some Stress Away! No matter who or why, you can customize the oils to fit their specific needs! You can do SOMEthing about almost everything. No need to feel helpless when your kids, your husband, your pet or even you have an ailment...you can respond!
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Take a peak at what's in my purse! |
Reason #8 Best Bang for your Buck
Back in 2013, I got started with Young Living essential oils by signing up as Wholesale Member and getting the Premium Starter Kit! It’s got cute little samples, 11 of the most popular oils (and my favorites) and a diffuser…EVERYTHING you need to get started...no really, everything!!! To buy all of the oils and diffuser and extra freebies individually, it sets you back roughly $300. BUT, if you just go ahead and get it all together in the kit, it is only $160!!!!!! Not only do you save a LOT of mula, but it’s an investment in you and your family’s health!
Reason #9 Monthly Box
We’re friends right? And friends trust each other. And as your friend, I’m telling you you’re going to want a monthly box. Have you heard of Stitch Fix? Or Wantable? Birch Box? Same thing. Except Young Living's boxes are even better. Other boxes I've signed up for ship me what they choose, but with Young Living, I am the one that gets to choose exactly what I want to receive each month. AND, I earn rewards points back so that I can turn around and buy FREE oils and products! Nice, right? So, let's not get ahead of ourselves...you’ve got to get your kit, first. After you get your kit, you’re going to go all crazy on me, start ordering left and right to fuel your obsession and you’re going to want to sign up for a monthly box because of all of the extra perks...believe me, we will talk later. Ok? Ok.
Reason #10: Exclusive Education
So, after you get your kit, you’re on your own. Just kidding. Just kidding. I realize that you are starting at ground 0 and will have A MILLION questions about the oils, how to use them, etc. That’s why we have our amazing Facebook education groups! We host giveaways, we do online and in person classes, we have daily educational posts, etc. Believe me, as soon as you get your kit, we are going to add you to our secret oils group and you are going to be a pro in no time! Plus if you decide you want to earn some extra cash to get your oils paid for, take your family on a vacation or even replace your full time job like I've done, we've got you covered there too! No need to worry, as your go-to oils girls, I will be there to help you every step of the way!
So, you need a kit...am I right?!?!?!
If you’re not ready yet, that’s totally ok! You can keep stalking me on social media and coveting my amazing bottles of goodness. Also, feel free to email me any questions or concerns! But, if you ARE ready to dive in and get your own kit, click my personal sign up link here. Select Wholesale Member, leave my enroller and sponsor id (1570543) in the boxes, go through the steps to set up your account, choose your Premium Starter Kit and check out! Now, do your happy dance and send me an email to let me know the good news...I will add you to our education group, School of Oily Goodness, and sent you some happy mail to help get you started! I know that you are going to absolutely love the oils as much as I do.
WfratanVstiggu_Anchorage Darren Chansavang https://wakelet.com/@tranopramaxp153