
What's YOUR Frequency?

Did you know that every living thing has a frequency?

People and animals, plants, trees and herbs, including essential oils!

Each vibrates at its own rhythm and has an effect on each other.  For example, being around someone who’s cranky or you don’t trust can lower your frequency.  But positive thoughts, prayer and meditation can raise it!

Same goes for food.  Acidic foods, such as coffee, can cause our frequency to go down.  But fresh foods and herbs can help it get right back up!

When we are sick, our frequency is low.  The sicker we get, it continues to decrease.  At death, we no longer have a frequency.

So, as you can see, it’s important to keep our frequency up high by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, spending time with good people, doing things we enjoy and practicing prayer and meditation, along with positive thoughts.

On top of that, we can use essential oils to positively affect our frequency!

All essential oils have a high frequency, but Rose is at the top with 320 Mhz, compared with fresh foods that are only 20-27 Mhz.  Don’t stop eating your real foods, but also don’t forget to consistently incorporate your essential oils daily, like we do.  They are powerful and can help keep you well!

To keep your frequency high, you should be diffusing, applying and ingesting the right oils for you.  Whether you’re at home, in the office or riding around town, there are ways to stay consistent.

Email me nickandemilystewart@me.com and we'll come up with the best essential oils to meet your health goals, while we raise your frequency :)

***Order HERE and use code SHAREYL for 10% off

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