
Are hoarders living in your home?

What do you do if you're into minimalism, but you live with family and friends who aren't?

Well, first things first, don't get rid of their things!

I have to admit, I'd love to clean out everything in our home and toss or donate all the things that I don't want or use, but it wouldn't be fair to Nick and Ivy. They have things they like to have around, even if I don't understand why or think they're just in the way.

So, I've decided that, just like everything else, the minimalist life involves compromise. Sometimes we get rid of things for me and sometimes we keep things for them. We have seasons of more and seasons of less.

I'll continue to weed out our possessions, keep what I think is useful and beautiful, and ask for my family's ok before it leaves our home. And, in the areas that are in my control, like my wardrobe, I'll practice minimalism my way, hoping to be a good influence on those around me.

Because living more simply makes things so much easier. There's less to clean and tidy and less taking up space in our home, leaving more room for calm and space and life.

Are you a minimalist living with hoarders? Leave me some tips below of how you and your roomies live together in peaceful balance!

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