
How Motherhood Forced Me To Make Better Choices

As someone who’s always struggled with anxiety and depression, I’ve had to learn to be careful of what I watch, listen to and even conversations I choose to participate in.

I have a very vivid imagination, put myself in those shoes and, before I know it, I’m terrified that I’ll be next. When most people would think “that would never happen to me”, I think more like “it’s got to happen to someone, so why not me?”.

My mind can take me to negative places in a flash. After all, Satan wants to terrify and destroy me and knows exactly where to kick me when I’m down. He seems to work best on me in the dark, and some nights I’m so afraid that I wake Nick to pray with me.

So, ever since Ivy was born and I felt more vulnerable, I’ve been more picky of what comes in. I even went through a period during her first year that I didn't read many novels or watch most movies because I got too emotionally involved. Even my music choices changed.

It may have been excessive, but it made a huge difference for me during those difficult months! This verse has come to mind over and over in the last few years as I’ve edited what I take in:

“...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.” -Philippians 4:8

I know I’m highly sensitive, but I’ve learned how to take care of me. And the older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve learned that my weakness can be used for good as it pushes me to make better choices and have compassion for others who struggle with the same things.

If you find yourself negatively affected by what you see, hear and talk about, consider avoiding what you can. And then find positive things to fill that gap.

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