
When You Don't Have What It Takes

Oftentimes, I feel like I don’t have what it takes. I can’t do it as well as her. I’m not as talented as him. I’m just not cut out for this or that. But, a few years back I read Grit, by Angela Duckworth and often remember that she said effort counts twice. People don’t excel because they are gifted or genius. Instead it’s because of the time spent to grow a particular skill. Bad news? I no longer have any excuse. Good news? Our parents are right, we can do anything we set our minds to.

I’ll find myself wishing I were craftier, but tell myself I just don’t have the talent like my sisters. Or that I were more athletic, but that I’m not built like Nick. I’ll wish I were more successful, but tell myself I’m not as business minded as Lindsay. I’ll wish so many things for myself, but tell myself all the reasons why I’m not and could never be that thing. And I don’t want to try too hard and fail, so I just give up and say that’s just not for me.

But is that true? No! My sisters are creative because they spend their free time crafting. Nick’s great at sports because of the years he’s invested in practice. Lindsay’s successful because of the decade she’s poured into her business. Even the olympic athletes are where they are because of the time invested over their lifetime.

What we call “natural talent” is just hours, days, weeks, months, years and even decades spent on one thing. One thing we love. We can’t be the best at everything, but maybe we can be great at one thing. And that’s encouraging, but it also takes away any excuses I may be telling myself. It’s not about talent, but consistent hard work.

So, instead of saying what I can’t do, I should be honest and say I don’t want to stick it out or I don’t enjoy it. Now, that’s the truth. I don’t enjoy crafting, sports or business as much as my sisters, Nick and Lindsay. I’m not a failure, I just have to find what I love. Then, do it for hours, days, weeks, months, years and even decades. And one day, when I’m a grandma, people will be bragging about how I’m so talented. And I’ll have to remind them, it’s not talent at all, but a lifetime of consistently working on something that I love.

What is your one thing?

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