Well, as you all know (as my dedicated blog followers), we spent the EnTiRe month of September on a USA Road Trip! It has been on my Bucket List my whole life and then switched to mine and Nick's joint Bucket List the day that we got married! What a trip! It was one of the best things that we ever did together and we suggest that every couple do it before they have kids!!!
For the month of November, I had my friend Michaela visiting me from Northern Ireland! That's the "curse" of traveling and living overseas...all of your friends end up in foreign countries. But, the major blessing is that you get to travel to visit them too! Nick and I are currently saving up money so that we can return the favor and visit her in Northern Ireland...:)
Talking about wedding anniversaries, my sister Mary Ashley got engaged in August and then married in April! We spent months talking about ideas, dreaming (mostly while browsing Pinterest) and planning. We had lots of girl time with several special Bridal Showers, a Sisters-Only Bachelorette Weekend and, of course, the actual Wedding!
Bridal Shower
Bachelorette Weekend (YES, we made her wear that sash and veil the entire three days, everywhere we went, except while we slept)
Family Wedding Photo
While all of this was going on, we have also been in the process of getting our own little first home!!! Last June, one of my dad's friends was planning on tearing down this cute little place in order to build something bigger and better in it's place. Turns out, tearing down a house isn't cheap! So, he told my dad that if we could figure out how to get it off of the property, we could take it! My dad is a genius and came up with a great plan...
We stripped the house of all of the materials on the outside, inside, underneath and everywhere. Everything was removed as carefully as possible so that we can REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE!!!
After removing all of the materials that we could, we cut the house in half to get it ready to be moved to its new home!!!
In took two days to move the two pieces of the house. It only had to go 1/4, but the process was slow because of all of the tree limbs, power lines and one main street that we had to cross. Many people stopped to watch all of the excitement and even followed the house to see where it was going...it's not every day you see a house rolling down the street!
Here is the latest photo. You can see the foundation, the new porch and on the right, we now have a third window!
It's such an amazing thing because of how Nick always said that he wanted to build us a house. Although he didn't build this one totally from scratch, he (along with other guys, including my dad) has done months and months of work to remodel and fix it back up. It will be so special when we finally move in and get to enjoy all of the hard work!
So...WOW...this was a very long post! Now that the wedding is over and things seem to have calmed down, I am going to try to get back to blogging...I miss it!
WOW simply WOW