
8 Tasks To Do When Your Stuck In A Rut At Work

Owning a small business takes a lot of drive and initiative to keep things running smoothly. It's amazing to not have anyone telling me what to do, but it also means that I have to be self-motivated and stay focused on my own.

I’m usually pretty good about it, but sometimes I hit a wall and don't know what to do. Here are some things that work for me when I feel like I'm stuck in a rut:

1. COMMUNICATE - Check and respond to all overdue emails, texts, phone calls, FaceBook messages, Instagram notifications, etc. to catch up.

2. ORGANIZE - File that stack of papers. Update those spreadsheets. Delete old emails. Clean up my desk. Take out the trash.

3. LEARN - Join a book club, watch a documentary, catch up on a blog you like or listen to a podcast. You might even consider signing up for a local event or a huge convention!

4. PLAN - Revisit your Dream Board (or make one if you don't have one yet) and write out your (5 year, 1 year and 30 days) goals.

5. ENCOURAGE - Send a postcard or gift to someone that you've been thinking of and want to encourage.

6. POST - Are you trying to grow your business through social media? If so, I recommend you read “Getting Noticed” and “Boss Up”, by my friend @lindsayteague and then get posting!

7. MENTOR - Find someone who you admire and ask if they would be willing to let you get to know them.

8. PARTY - All work and no play, makes everyone unmotivated and stretched thin. Grab coffee with your sister. Catch up with a co-worker over lunch (but don't talk business). Have your girlfriends over for pizza and a movie. Sometimes having business slow down can be a blessing in disguise.

If you own a small business, I'd love to know what things you do when you feel like you are stuck in a rut...please share!

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