
What Makes A True Friend?

Friendship has been on my mind a lot lately and I feel like maybe people don't really know what makes a true friend, so they don't know how to be one either. I'm no expert, but here are the things that matter to me.

1. Caring - I’ll always remember Jon Acuff saying "care about what the people you care about, care about". To do this, you'll have to be a good listener. Listen to what's going well in your friend's life. Hear what's hard. Know their likes and dislikes. Pay attention when they aren't themselves. Pray for your friends. Take initiative to spend time with them.

2. Dependable - There is a big difference between "I'll do it" and "I'll try". When someone says "I'll try", I hear it as "I'm not going to put effort, but if it happens then great". People need someone to depend on. If you say you'll do something, do it. If you say you'll be somewhere, be there (on time). Answer that phone call. Respond to that text. Be available to your friends so that they know you are there for them when they need you.

3. Trustworthy - Have your friend’s back. People already have enough things to worry about, so don't be one of them. Stick by your friends side no matter what happens. Support them and what matters to them. Be the type of friend that people feel safe with and sure about.

I know that friendships have seasons. My elementary school friends, junior high and high school friends, college friends and adult-life friends have changed as the years have come and gone. And that’s ok! The changes have taught me to truly appreciate the friendships that have stuck around my entire life.

Who is your friend that has stuck around your entire life? 

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