
“Every Mother Counts”

Last week, while visiting a friend in Greenville, I came across a t-shirt with this written across the front. And although it was meant for a different purpose, it got me thinking about baby loss. Not just my own, but as a whole.

When pregnant, we often use phrases like, “we’re expecting”, or “baby on the way” and “soon-to-be parents”, forgetting that there is already a baby and we are already parents.

And when the unthinkable happens, we use phrases like, “it was a miscarriage” or “it was stillborn” and “it was an ectopic pregnancy”, avoiding the hard truth that a baby died and that the parents are devastated.

Mother’s Day was hard after losing our baby. Everywhere we went, people were throwing around “Happy Mother’s Day” and it was like a dagger to the heart. I didn’t want to hear it.

But the few who know me and have heard our story and were kind enough and brave enough to still tell me “Happy Mother’s Day”…that meant the world to me.

Because not only does every mother count, but every child counts too. And that brings me peace and hope ❤️

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