
Daily Self-Care Routine

Solitude - Schedule some alone time each day. It can be as simple as a cup of tea before anyone else wakes, a long soak in the bath, a few moments with your journal, a quiet walk outdoors, deep breaths of Young Living essential oil blends like Awaken or Release or even some much needed spiritual refreshment with your Bible or favorite devotional.

Movement - Take some time to exercise each day. Whether you have 5 minutes or 2 hours, commit to some form of movement. I fluctuate between walks, yoga, HIIT, short jogs and strength training. The best exercise for you is the one that you'll do. So pick something you'll enjoy and get going.

Nutrition - Consume less sugar and cafeine and add in more water and plant-based whole-foods. Avoid eating out or grabbing take-out and, instead, cook your meals from scratch. Pay attention while eating and begin to eliminate foods that negatively effect your physical, mental and emotional health.

Monitor - Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Monitor what you watch, what you listen to and what you say. Choose to surround yourself with what and who lifts you up.

Rest - Learn to practice relaxation techniques, like meditation, and be sure to get around 8 hours of sleep a night. But remember that rest isn't just about sleep. If you can, take a day off every week, a weekend off  every month and a week off every quarter. Whether it's a get-away or a staycation, the purpose is to unplug and come back refreshed.

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