

I’m the girl who would have NEVER chosen to be a business owner, but it has been one of the best decisions we've ever made. 

Nick and I have been able to travel more frequently (including a 3-month vacation to South America), give more money to our favorite non-profit, become physically healthier, pay off more than 26k in debt and in January, we are headed out for another 3-month vacation while we road-trip the USA and Canada. We’ve never had another job with this much freedom. I’ve been able to work the days and hours that I choose and take time off when I want or need to, without having to answer to anyone or worry about still getting paid. It's seriously a Bucket Lister's dream job 🌎✈️😍 

Sounds too good to be true, right? It’s not. Want to know how we got started? We simply bought our own Young Living Premium Starter Kit. That's it. We didn’t go into tens of thousands of dollars in debt to start a small business. Just $160 to get our starter kit with 11 popular oils, a diffuser and samples. That's it! Plus, our team gives us all the training and resources we need for FREE. Starting a business doesn’t get any better than that. 

We are now Gold Leaders, going on Platinum and making enough money for Nick to step back from full-time construction right after Christmas. This may be a “small business”, but it's not small to us...it's changed the course of our lives. 

Do you want a change? Do you want more freedom? We would LOVE to mentor you through launching your own Young Living business and teach you exactly what we did to get to where we are today!  Even if you’re just curious, don’t be afraid to ask...we are open books and want to answer your questions 😉   Reach out to us today and let's talk! 

Oh, and because we talked money, here's the Income Disclosure Statement.

Let's chat!!!...connect with us through:

Or, are you ready to go ahead and dive in?!

Click HERE to get started, choose "wholesale", leave my sponsor and enroller id (#1570543) in the boxes, create your account and place your order.



Since Ironman and I got married in 2007, we have been eating mostly plant-based.  Not only do we believe that it's healthier for us, but it was cheaper when we were poor, young and married, while still going to college full-time!  Although we believe this lifestyle is healthier for us, we are by no means perfect and have fallen off the path many times.  But, doesn't that make you feel better?  No one's perfect.  Isn't that a relief?  So, I want to share our journey with food that got us to where we are right now.

PLANT-BASED (with cheating):  

Since 2007, we have mainly stuck to a plant-based diet except for a few circumstances.  One was Friday night pizza night...our favorite tradition together.  It's just wonderful to come home after a long week, get a pizza (not cook), watch a movie and go to bed early (with little clean up).  Am I right?  And now that we're talking cheese, that was our major weakness.  Oh yea, and every now and then, I wanted a good burger when we were out at a restaurant.  But, the hardest time to stick with plant-based was when eating with other people...especially when invited into their homes.  We never wanted to offend or hurt feelings.  So, this was us: mostly plant-based at home, but occasional slip-ups.  Got it?  Let's fast forward about a decade.


At the end of 2016, I was ready for a change.  I had been trying to get in better shape, exercising more and beginning to feel better.  I wanted to take it to the next level.  My sisters introduced me to FullyRaw Kristina on Instagram and I was intrigued.  I never knew that some people only lived on uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds.  I couldn't imagine, but made it my goal to be a raw vegan by the end of 2017.  During the first few months of this year, I continued to follow Kristina on Instagram and watched almost all her YouTube videos.  I loved what I was learning.  From January 1st through May 31st, I started making better choices with my food and noticed pretty significant changes in my body and health.


I decided that on June 1st, I would make a few drastic changes to keep the ball rolling.  I cut out caffeine, sugar and alcohol (wine) and my remaining toiletries with dangerous toxins (deodorant).  The first month was pretty easy and on July 1st I treated myself to something sweet.  I wasn't perfect and still "cheat" some with coffee, sweets and the occasional glass of wine, but I was improving a little each day.  Sometime during mid-July, my family watched What The Health and it really affected me more than anything else I had watched or read up until that point.  I seriously couldn't even look at cheese, let alone eat it.  Mid July I had my annual check up an the nurse commented that I had lost a significant amount of weight and my blood pressure had dropped since my last visit.  She said "whatever you're doing...keep doing it".  I was very encouraged and motivated to keep up the hard work!  At the end of July, we went on a 17-day road trip and it was hard to stick to our lifestyle 100% because we were traveling and didn't want to offend or hurt people's feelings that we were going to be seeing.  However, we were so used to feeling good that now we really noticed when we ate food (animal products) that made us feel bad.  By the end of that trip, Ironman and I both decided that we are in this vegan lifestyle 100% from now on.  Since that decision, we haven't had any animal products (knowingly, at least).


One day towards the end of the summer, my sister was talking about people who were 80/20 raw vegans.  Meaning they eat raw vegan foods 80% of the time and cooked vegan foods 20% of the time.  It's also sometimes referred to as "raw 'til 4" because they will eat raw all day and then dinner is cooked.  Anyways, my sister was talking about it and it dawned on me that I had basically become one of these types of vegans!  During the day, I eat raw vegan (uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds).  It's habit now and I don't even think about it.  Once Ironman gets home at night, I have a cooked meal prepared.  As soon as I realized this, I felt so proud of myself.  Yes, it had taken 9 months of slow changes, but I was on the right track towards the goal I made at the end of last year!


During September, we headed to Florida to enjoy the beach with Ironman's parents for a full week.  In the past, we would have felt too guilty to be picky about our food.  We would have caved and eaten the same things as everyone else and we both would have ended up feeling sick.  Although we felt bad to be "difficult", we simply let his parents know that we are being more strict with sticking to plant-based and that we weren't going to cheat.  They had some questions, but accepted it and we didn't have any trouble.  All week, we found things that we could eat!  Since neither of us felt sick to our stomachs or bloated after meals all week, it made for a much more enjoyable vacation and we were really happy that we had stuck to our goal.  Also, it confirmed to us that it can be done whether at home, out and about in town or while traveling!

Some people, like FullyRaw Kristina, simply become a fully raw vegan overnight!  That's awesome.  As for us, it's been a journey over a decade long (even longer for Ironman) of watching documentaries, reading books, doing research, trying new recipes and slowly making changes to our diet and lifestyle.  It takes sacrifice and consistency, but I'm loving the changes.  I enjoy food prep more, I'm more in tune with my body and I crave better foods.  We both truly feel so much better since deciding to stick to 100% vegan. 

Let's cover one thing while we're on this topic.  I know many people say there is a difference with "eating vegan" and "living vegan".  We like to eat a raw vegan diet.  This means we eat veggies, fruits, seeds, nuts and some beans and grains, avoiding all animal products.  Aren't sure what an "animal product" is?  One of the men on the Forks Over Knives documentary put it like this:  If it walked, hopped, swam, crawled, slithered, had eyes, a momma and a daddy - don't eat it.  Basically, if it's not a fruit, veggie, seeds, nut, bean or grain, don't eat it.  One area we haven't changed is we still use honey, which is an animal product.  However, we don't strictly live as vegans in every sense. Our car has leather seats, I own a leather purse and leather boots and we probably have many other things that are made from animal products that we may not even realize!  Although I haven't been careful in these areas in the past, it is something that is coming to matter to me more and more as I learn about animal cruelty.  

Long story short, we both feel great and highly suggest a raw vegan lifestyle! Remember, we aren't perfect and it's not about perfection.  The important thing is to spend time learning, try out new things and decide what's right for you so that you feel your best!



Ironman and I just got back from camping at Lake Hartwell and, as always, we loved it.  Sure, the weather was cold and ended up raining the morning we were leaving, but we always enjoy camping.  Not only is it so good to get out of town and away from our everyday life, but to unplug from the world and spend more quality time one on one.  I truly recommend it!  Aren't convinced yet?  Here are the 5 reasons why I say you should go camping ASAP:

CHEAP.  We often can't afford a hotel, but a tent site can be as cheap as $14 per night!  Once you've invested in your camping gear, you'll have it for years.  We did that back in 2011 and haven't had to buy anything else so far.  So, a weekend camp trip may cost $30 for your site, money for food (which you would have eaten at home anyway) and gas to get you there.  That's a pretty inexpensive getaway!

QUIET.  You won't have plugs, so even if you stay on your cell phone a lot the first day, it will quickly die.  Then, you're just left with the quiet breeze, sound of the birds and the crackling fire.  It feels so good to hear nothing.  I often feel like I can finally hear myself think.  Settle into a comfy camp chair and bring a good book or climb into your ENO and take a nap.  It's so wonderful to have options taken away from you so you are forced to truly rest!

RELATIONSHIPS.  There's nothing out there to distract you, so you end up having some really good conversations.  It's so good to get away from your normal life and be able to think more clearly about the present and future.  Each time Ironman and I camp, we talk through a lot of bigger issues that just seem like too much to handle at home.  We always come home renewed because of it.  More than likely, you'll also make new friends with your neighbors at the campground or you can even invite friends to join you!

TRAVEL.  Each time you camp, you can pick a new park in your state.  Not only is it not too far to travel in state, but it means that over the years, you will have really gotten to know the area around you.  Plus, since it's cheap, it means you'll get to travel more often!  One camping weekend per month is not too hard to make happen.  By the end of the year, you'll have taken 12 mini vacations!

EXERCISE.  Camp near an area that you want to get to know on foot.  Take a hike.  Check out some local waterfalls.  Walk around some unique little town.  Choose someplace new so that you get out there and explore.  During our normal work week, we spend so much time sitting down.  Use the weekends to get outdoors and get moving!

Are you already in love with camping?  What's your favorite part of it?  Share in the comments below!



I remember back in high school when I wanted to go to Beauty School. My parents would sing Grease's Beauty School Drop-Out to me (click here if you don't know what I'm talking about) and tell me that I could go to Beauty School after I graduated from college, with a degree. So, I went to college, tried to drop out a few times because I didn't enjoy it. But everyone kept telling me it would be different when I had my own classroom. Plus, my parents wouldn't let me quit. After 4.5 years of studying, I graduated with a degree in Elementary Education, got my own classroom...and still didn't like it! 14 years later at the age of 32, I finally got to go to Beauty School last weekend with my mom...and I absolutely loved it! This is right up my alley, just like I thought back at 18-years-old. Don't feel too bad for me, though. If I hadn't gone to college, I might not have ever met Ironman. So, college was super beneficial to me in the long run, for my M.R.S. degree.

Young Living's Beauty School was only 2 days, so we just covered the basics. One day, however, I'd love to go for much longer...like to get a 2 year certificate or something along those lines. But for now, I want to share what I've learned so far.

What’s ON you is IN you. What are you putting on you? Is it completely safe, non-toxic and actually good for you? Please take time to check every product and ingredient in your entire home using the EWG Skin Deep site or Think Dirty app. You’ll be shocked at what dangerous ingredients are lurking around! Beauty is not just how you look on the outside…it comes from what’s inside. If you are physically, emotionally and mentally putting “junk” in, that’s what will eventually be pushed out. The things we eat, drink, slather on, listen to, smell and watch all effect us on the inside, constantly helping us or harming us. I’m so thankful that Young Living takes time to ensure that their products are good and safe for us. I know it’s tempting to just use make up to cover up all the imperfections. But, instead, it would be better for us to take the time to address the problems so that we can enjoy naturally beautiful and healthy skin! So, skin 1st, then make up 2nd. Ok? Ready to get started?

What skin type do you have? Normal, dry, oily, combination or mature? No matter what type you have, Young Living has great products for you to enjoy your best complexion ever!

Getting pampered at Young Living's Beauty School!

Here are the 7 steps to beautiful skin, as mentioned at Beauty School:

Start with clean hands and in between each step, allow time for skin to dry.

1. CLEANSE: Wash your face daily, morning and night by going through all steps listed below. Start by cleansing…ART Gentle Cleanser and Orange Blossom Facial Wash are your two choices.

a. ART Gentle Cleanser won’t dry out skin and is suitable for all skin types, especially mature skin. It is formulated with orchid extract. Wet hands and face, squirt one pump cleanser in hand and massage onto face and neck in circular motions.

b. Orange Blossom Facial Wash is soap-free and is suitable for all skin types, especially younger skin. It is formulated with botanical extracts, minerals and fruit acids. Wet hands and face, squirt half a dime sized amount of cleanser in hand and massage onto face and neck in circular motions. This one is often a favorite for teenagers or adults with troubled skin.

2. EXFOLIATE: Our bodies naturally shed older cells, but as we age, the process is slower. Help keep skin fresh and bright by exfoliating with Satin Mint Facial Scrub a couple times per week. Do NOT over exfoliate, as this can aggravate skin. Although this is a scrub, it is also moisturizing, so it doesn’t leave your skin stripped of the healthy, natural oils. Wet face and neck and massage on skin in circular, massaging motion.

3. TONE: Balance the pH of your skin, remove left-over residue and close large pores by using ART Toner. Squirt small amount on cotton round and carefully swipe across face and neck.

4. RESTORE: Serums often contain ingredients that are able to penetrate the layers of skin faster, so it is important to use one before moisturizing. ART Renewal Serum nourishes and hydrates and contains unique botanical ingredients and complex blend of traditional Chinese extracts, like orchids. After cleansing (and exfoliating a few times a week) and toning, apply one pump of serum and tap over face and neck.

5. MOISTURIZE: This step is important for protecting and hydrating your skin and should be done as often as possible or needed. A dry face now is a wrinkled face later. Apply a small amount of moisturizer to face and neck and massage in with upward, sweeping strokes. Here are the moisturizing options available to you:

a. ART Light Moisturizer helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, while being lightweight. It is perfect for all skin types.

b. ART Intensive Moisturizier helps reduce the appearance or fine lines and wrinkles and is a heavier option for long-lasting hydration. It contains plant cells and is the perfect night cream. Good for all skin types, especially mature skin. If you were using and loving Sandalwood Moisture Cream or Bosweilla Wrinkle Cream, this is Young Living’s replacement product that’s even better! It’s like the two combined forces and made an even better moisturizer.

c. ART Sheerlume Brightening Cream, AKA “moisturizer with benefits”. Sheerlume helps give a younger complexion by brightening skin tone and reducing signs of age spots, skin dullness and rough texture. Definitely my favorite Young Living moisturizer so far, as I have gotten many compliments when I’ve consistently used this product!

6. REFINE: Help skin health by using a masque a few times a week (or up to every day) for at least 25 minutes each time you do so. Here are your three options:

a. ART Beauty Masque is an orchid based formula designed to hydrate skin and leave it more radiant. It is for all skin types.

b. ART Creme Masque is a luxurious cream and is ideal for a deep facial moisturizer, 25 minute masque or even an all night skin treatment. It is formulated with hyaluronic acid, but does not contain the orchid ingredient. It is for all skin types.

c. ART Chocolate Masque is formulated with Ecuadorian chocolate and infused with essential oils. This masque leaves skin soft and glowing and is an excellent one if you are looking for the antioxidants. It is for all skin types.


a. Wolfberry Eye Cream is conditioning, with wolfberry seed oil, and minimizes the appearance of fine lines.

b. Rose Ointment is a heavy moisturizer for dry, rough or chapped skin.

c. Young Living Lip Balms protect, moisturize and soften.

d. Essential Beauty Serum is the perfect moisturizing option for dry skin that needs an extra boost. Also, it can be use for any skin type for facial massage.

e. Mirah Shave Oil is so moisturizing that you can skip the body lotion after bathing. Also, it can be used as a hair oil for silky, smooth hair.

In addition to these steps for healthy, beautiful skin, don’t forget to get at least 10 minutes per day of full sun on your skin for vitamin D, but then use Young Living’s Mineral Sunscreen to ensure skin safety and beautifully aging skin for the rest of the day.

Also, don’t forget that nutrition plays a huge role in skin health. Do your best to reduce meat, dairy, gluten and sugar. The best diet is high in whole, plant-based foods such as veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds. Each time you put something in your mouth or on your body, you should be asking yourself, “Am I feeding disease or fighting it?” Make sure to take supplements like Young Living's Ningxia Red, Master Formula, Enzymes and Probiotic for optimal health. Oh, and don’t block your sweat! Your body sweats to eliminate toxins, which makes you cleaner on the inside and your skin more healthy on the outside. So, get Young Living's deodorant and be prepared for a bit of body detox as your body adjusts to natural deodorant!

Now that your skin health is in optimal condition, you are ready for make-up!

Although the lighting is slightly different, you can see how both of us have
improved skin from just November 2nd to the 5th...just 4 days!

I know this is a quick summary of what I took in over the two days of Beauty School, but I hope it helped you see where you may have gaps in your own beauty routine. If you live out of town and want to learn more, I'd love to do a live video/FaceTime to teach you! I may even be able to come to you if you'd like to learn in person and try each product. Or if you live in town, I'd love to get together, teach you and let you try each product. And don't forget, the more the merrier...gather some friends and let's make a girls night out of it!

Connect with me by phone (if you have my number) or by using the links to my FaceBook and Instagram found at the top of the page. Don't forget, you can also email me by clicking here! I can't wait to spend time with you and help you feel more confident in your skin through Young Living essential oils and products!



About two weeks ago, Lauren, the outreach coordinator for Maple Holistics, reached out to me and asked if she could send me some of their tea tree oil shampoo.  For FREE.  Not gonna lie, no one has ever sent me something free to review, so I wasn't sure what was happening!  However, I was interested (and quite gullible), took a look around their website and wrote Lauren back, hoping that this was for real.  Short story even shorter: within a few days, the tea tree oil shampoo was on it's way to my home with a tracking number!  What?!

Honestly, when I received the package, I was in shock.  I sat it on my bathroom counter and looked at it for a few days, wondering what in the world to do with it.  For the first time in my life, a company sent me something free for me to try and review.  Fairly often, I get companies asking me to write about them on my blog, but have never been sent anything as compensation, like money or free product.  Most companies want me to do them a favor without doing one for me.  And not only did Lauren actually send me the tea tree oil shampoo, but she sent me a full-sized bottle!  Needless to say, I was impressed with Lauren and Maple Holistics before I even washed my hair.

Let's get down to the real reason why we are here, the nitty-gritty, as Nacho Libre would say.  I'm going to share my honest review about the free product I was sent, the tea tree oil shampoo.  I washed my hair with it twice so far because I wanted to make sure I had time to wash, dry and style my hair and truly think through how I feel about it.  Maple Holisitics didn't send me any conditioner and I didn't want to mix brands and tamper my review, so the first wash was with the shampoo only and not followed up with conditioner.  What I liked about the shampoo was that it was thick, rich and creamy and lathered up fairly easily compared to many natural shampoo options.  However, I believe that the tea tree oil must be slightly drying because my hair was more tangly than normal.  It took extra time to comb through it after my shower, but had tons of volume (which was a plus).  So, if you have dry hair already, I might suggest you use one of their more moisturizing shampoo options, especially during the upcoming winter months.  This tea tree oil shampoo might be a good option for people with oily hair or during the summer months when it's hot and humid and everyone's hair is slightly oilier anyway.  The second time I washed my hair with the shampoo, I followed up with my own Young Living Copaiba Vanilla Moisturizing Conditioner.  This favorite conditioner of mine is super rich, thick and creamy and moisturizes really well, so of course, my hair felt like silk after that and was much easier to brush through!  Oh and one more thing, the shampoo has a light tea tree oil smell, but not so strong that it leaves me with headaches, so I was pleased.

When Lauren originally reached out to me, she wrote that Maple Holistics is high-quality, natural ingredients and cruelty free.  I did a little digging around to see what I could find to back that up.  While looking online, I found that the tea tree oil shampoo has these ingredients listed: aqua, jojoba oil, Botanical Keratin, Argan Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil and Rosemary Oil.  I was really impressed with such a short list!  My only concerns are these: I couldn't find any real information on the ingredient "botanical keratin" except on Maple Holistics own site and I don't know where the company sources their essential oils.  These are some of the reasons that I consistently choose Young Living oils and products.  I can always find information on ingredients and I know exactly where the essential oils are sourced (I've even been to the farms and helped plant!).  Fast forward to this morning, though, and I found myself a little disappointed.  When snapping the photo for this blog, I noticed the ingredients listed on the back of the bottle don't match the ingredients list found online.  There are about 15 extra ingredients!  I tried to look up the product on the EWG Skin Deep site, but couldn't find it.  I also tried to look it up on the Think Dirty App, but it wasn't there either.  This really surprises me for a company that's been around since 2001.  So, I took the time to type in each ingredient, one by one, on the (EWG Skin Deep site) to see if they are truly safe.  There were about three that couldn't be found, but the ingredients I did find, rated well.  So, I'm pretty happy with the ingredients I know and read about, but feel that not having a complete ingredients list online is a little deceiving.  I take time to research things before buying and want to have confidence that the company is giving me all the information up front.  On a more positive note, Maple Holistics has an easy to navigate website.  They seem to care a lot about health and educating people on good choices through their blog.  I was impressed that they even offer a free samples program and 100% money-back guarantee!

This is after my second wash!

So, what do I honestly think about the free tea tree oil shampoo that Lauren sent me from Maple Holistics?  I'm happy enough with it that I will be finishing the bottle, while following it up with my own favorite conditioner.  I would, however, suggest only using it consistently if you tend to have oilier hair, as it is slightly drying.  Also, I would recommend doing more research on the ingredient "Botanical Keratin" and the others that I wasn't able to find on the EWG site to make sure it's truly safe and non-toxic.  But, all in all, my first free product review was an excellent experience and I hope to get more opportunities in the future to do the same for other companies!

I've been blogging since 2008, for almost a decade now.  For years, I've wished to be a sponsored blogger and wondered how to do it.  Although I truly tried, nothing I was doing seemed to get anyone's attention, except the companies who wanted me to blog about them and their products for free.  So, I kinda gave up.  Why try so hard, only to fail?  So, although it was only a bottle of free shampoo, it was so much more to me.  As I stood in the shower and washed my hair, I thought about all my hard work over the last decade, was proud of myself for not quitting and felt like I was finally the real deal.  It's funny how sometimes the little things are really the biggest things.  So let me leave you with a little something that has nothing really to do with shampoo.  If you want something, don't quit.  Keep working at it until you get it.  Even if it takes you 5 years, 20 years, 48 years.  It's worth it.  Those years are going to pass anyway.  You might as well work towards a dream.