Self-Care doesn't have to be expensive.
It just needs to be consistent and purposeful.
So, take some time each day, even if it's only 5 minutes, to take care of yourself.
Here are some simple, inexpensive ways to practice self-care starting today:
1. drink your entire cup of coffee while hot
2. go on a walk with a friend
3. take a bath with 8 drops of my calming essential oils mixed into 1 cup of Epsom Salt
4. read a chapter in a book you've been dying to read
5. bake your favorite dessert
6. paint your nails
7. take a nap
8. watch an old movie you love to watch over and over
9. journal your thoughts without filter
10. drink 100 oz water
11. FaceTime a friend you miss
12. diffuse my mood boosting essential oils
13. turn off screen 1 hour before bed
14. put on a face masque
15. get food delivered
16. drink a glass of wine in solitude
17. sit on your front porch alone
18. listen to your favorite song
19. stretch or do yoga for 20 mins
20. put on makeup
21. do a hair masque
22. donate clothes that don't boost your confidence
*For more Self-Care Tips & Tricks and Business Training: find me FaceBook, Instagram and YouTube!
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